Spreading the Love. Rlove.
Reflecting back on the last couple of weeks, it is clear that life has been an up and down roller coaster for most people. There have been some unfortunate negative realities that we all have faced, in our own ways. It's in these times, that it is more important than ever to spread some positivity. It can really look however you want, big or small it all makes a difference and it starts with you. We want to inspire positive change that makes waves across this world.
Knowing that you are a beautiful, unique, powerful and awesome individual is what makes this world great. Rsport wants to encourage that, always. Love yourself, love what you are capable of, love your strength and love every inch of what makes you, you. We plan to practice that and preach it often; because everyone needs a little reminder every now and then.
Until next time our dear Athenas. Spread some #Rlove.